On Monday, November 16, 2009 the TEWU/FUSSAG on UG campus embark on a sit-down-strike to claim their salary arreas. I guess this had become so rampant and needs to be checked. Management could put measures in place to correct this. The TEWU/FUSSAG being away caused the University so much. A point in case was that the Balme Library was closed to users. The sit-down-strike usually happends around revision time which is very unbearable for students who would be preparing for their exames.
The picture display bags of users (mostly students) which could not be collected because the senior members of the library had to open the library to provide limited service, mostly to provide access to reading space.
The picture display bags of users (mostly students) which could not be collected because the senior members of the library had to open the library to provide limited service, mostly to provide access to reading space.
There was another strike action from Thursday, January 26, to Tuesday February 21, 2012. Unionized members requesting for arrears from the Single Spine.